NPO / PBO Registered Details
- Category: Uncategorised
SAMF Registered Details:
NPO Number: 034-115-NPO
PBO Number: 930013621
In terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act of 1962, donations made to qualifying Public Benefit Organisations (PBO’s) may be deducted from the taxable income of the donating taxpayer. The exempt donation amount however, is limited to 10% of one’s taxable income. For companies, a deduction may also be claimed, which is limited to 10% of Profit Before Tax. The SAMF qualifies as such an organization which carries out public benefit activities. Donors to our Foundation therefore enjoy full benefits allowed under Section 18A. Here are some helpful documents to assist you:
1. SARS Tax Exemption Guide for Donations
2. Non-Profit Organisation Certificate - Page 1
3. Non-Profit Organisation Certificate - Page 2
4. Non-Profit Organisation Certificate - Page 3
5. Non-Profit Organisation Certificate - Page 4
for more information, please feel free to contact us