Objectives and Undertakings
The mission of the SAMF and its members is to undertake welfare work in our communities so that we may serve those most in need of it. We also take great pride in working alongside many other distinguished charity organizations to best serve the needs of communities. Further, we participate in natural disaster relief efforts and community projects.
What is Zakaat / Lillah
Both Zakaat and Lillah are forms of charity. Charity is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Zakaat is obligatory upon all Muslims who are adult, sane and own wealth exceeding the value of the Nisaab. Lillah is a form of voluntary charity that may be used for a variety of public benefit activities.
Our Projects
Welfare Undertakings (2017 - Current):
It is no secret that poverty plagues our beautiful country. The SAMF seeks to help those in desperate need in the best way possible. We endeavor to assist the following groups of people: The elderly and aged; those with families who struggle to support them; those requiring special medical assistance and lack the funds to treat their illnesses. Assistance is provided by supplying basic, necessary items as required by applicants.
Our History
The Southern African Memon Foundation (SAMF) was formed in 1984 when Mr. Rangoonwala of the World Memon Foundation (WMF) visited South Africa.
The idea of the SAMF was inspired by him as an independent body, not affiliated to the WMF.